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Showing 18 of 8 items
Children’s Mental And Physical Health
Children’s Mental And Physical Health
We thinks it incredibly important to keep children healthy and to challenge them in physical and mental ways. Play equipment that involves an aspect o…
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Our Fort Range
Our Fort Range
Part of what makes playing outdoors as a child so fun is allowing imaginations to run wild. Being able to create a whole new world to exist in. That&#…
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Playground Plans
Playground Plans
The beginning of the year may feel like a slow, cold time, especially when thinking about things regarding playing outside. However, now is the best t…
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30th Anniversary Giveaway Winner
30th Anniversary Giveaway Winner
We are very pleased to announce the winner of our 30th Anniversary Giveaway that ran in conjunction with PTA+ magazine. Tirlebrook Primary School in T…
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Improving Outdoor Spaces
Improving Outdoor Spaces
Improving outdoor spaces an important factor for any school. Not only does this providechildren with an exciting setting for play, it can enhance the …
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Getting Active To Fund Playground Revamp
Getting Active To Fund Playground Revamp
ENERGETIC children at Cawston Grange Primary School have been running, skipping and climbing to improve their playground. They wanted to do their part…
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Creating A Daily Mile Track
Creating A Daily Mile Track
Creating A Daily Mile Track Many schools across the country are seeing the benefits. Improvements to the physical, social, emotional and mental health…
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Tackling Childhood Obesity
Tackling Childhood Obesity
In 2018 the government released a study showing that childhood obesity was still a huge issue in the UK. Unfortunately, there is no getting away from …
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