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Mark Making Panels

Our selection of Mark Making Panels are available in a variety of mediums. From chalkboard to drywipe and paint boards, the choice is yours for outdoor mar making.

The boards are designed to develop fine motor skills, grip and grasp through mark making techniques. These increase dexterity and strength in their fingers and hands.

The mark making panels offer daily opportunities for storytelling, phonics, numeracy, and drawing skills outdoors whilst building on language.

Support for PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) is provided. Children can see their own expressions of ‘happy’, ‘sad’, and develop language around this. Therefore making them an excellent product for adult / child led play.

Interested in our Mark Making Boards? Receive a free quotation for our panels.

Mark Making Panels
Showing 18 of 22 items

Our selection of Mark Making Panels are available in a variety of mediums. From chalkboard to drywipe and paint boards, the choice is yours for outdoor mar making.

The boards are designed to develop fine motor skills, grip and grasp through mark making techniques. These increase dexterity and strength in their fingers and hands.

The mark making panels offer daily opportunities for storytelling, phonics, numeracy, and drawing skills outdoors whilst building on language.

Support for PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) is provided. Children can see their own expressions of ‘happy’, ‘sad’, and develop language around this. Therefore making them an excellent product for adult / child led play.

Interested in our Mark Making Boards? Receive a free quotation for our panels.
