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Sutherland Primary Academy

Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
Project Descriptions

Location: Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire

Project Value: £128,000 +

Age Range: 7-11



Sutherland Primary Academy is situated in city of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.

The schools aims are to ensure all children have high self-esteem and become happy and self – assured learners whilst nurturing confidence in working independently and together.  They want children to understand and embrace diversity; learning to respect each other and show consideration to all.


The initial playground was a large space that was not being used to its full potential with minimal equipment to keep the children entertained.

The school specifically required climbing and gym equipment to build children’s physical development as well as improving behaviour and communication during breaktimes and lunchtimes.

Additionally, the school required a space that could be used during PE lessons to encourage physical development and outdoor learning.



The school already had their funds in place and had a clear idea on how they wanted to utilize the space, including a climbing area and outdoor exercise equipment.

Our local consultant visited the school to discuss plans with the head of Business and Operations. He put forward ideas for equipment and surfacing that would best suit the space whilst considering the suitability for Key Stage 2 children, focusing on the required learning and behaviour outcomes.

After careful consideration and attention, a design was presented to the school and with some minor adjustments a final design was agreed, including a MUGA, Gym Area, Climbing Apparatus, and a Multicoloured Running Track.




Multi Use Games AreaCardio CombiDuralawn Surfacing
Elliptical X TrainerBespoke Arm and Pedal BikeRunning Track – Multi coloured Duralawn
Seated Leg PressSpace Frame – VoyagerWetpour Surfacing
Double Cross Country SkierPlayground Markings 



  • 3 new play spaces for the KS2 children that can be used year-round.
  • Behaviour has noticeably improved during breaktime and lunchtimes.
  • More opportunities for children to build on their physical development.
  • Staff are planning curriculum lesson using the MUGA and Outdoor Gym with the running lanes used for athletics practice.



“We are extremely happy with the service that we have received from Fawns. Everything has been excellent from the personal attention that we received at the initial meeting, the design and quotation process, to the installation.

The equipment is of very high quality and the colours have brightened up the playground. We have not been charged a single penny extra to the original quote and we would be more than happy to recommend Fawns to other schools”

J. O’Rourke, Head of Business and Operations

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